Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Influences of films: "Follow the Woman"

I've been thinking a lot about where the ideas for projects come from lately. I think all this chatter about the film business dying has got me trying to remember why we even deal with it in the first place.

I remembered why I wanted to make the short film "Follow the Woman." Not too long ago while reading Richard Brody's book "Everything is Cinema," recalling the history of Jean Luc Godard's filmmaking, I read an interview he gave. To sum it up, Godard explained he felt women could not create art or philosophically contemplate our existence because of her unavoidable compulsion to have children. I thought this was astounding to say the least. From my perspective this was preposterous, if anything I feel a woman's ability to create life would give her a distinct intuitive advantage into understanding it. Nonetheless I was intrigued how brazen Godard was and how women artists were viewed at the time. I felt compelled to explore this view, and this is how "Follow the Woman," was born.

The story is about a man and woman having an affair, after having sex they simply have a conversation. I gave the man Godards perspective and the female character the opposite. It's an homage to that era and Godards style and was really fun to make.

We shot two days in the summer in a really old NYC apartment with no AC. Photographed by the wonderful AFI fellow Kay Hung and sound recorded by Ryan DeRosa. The film has been sitting on the side while we shot and edited the feature "Brooklyn Unemployed." So we are just now starting post production so look for more stills, bios, and footage soon!

It's always interesting to look back at the seed of an idea and see how the project evolves to its finish. What are some of the things that inspired your work?

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